Last Week’s Recap | Jan 24 – 29, 2012
TUESDAY (Jan 24)
It was a fun party.
Four players, 3 from NYC and 1 from Tenafly, had so much on the court on Tuesday. Unbeknownst to each other, three of them signed up. When there was one more spot left, I told the fourth that the other 3 signed up. He said yes, he wanted a rematch and to keep them together for both hours. One donned a bandana and his partner a ninja head tie. Their opponent donned a cap but his partner had none. I must not have paid close attention because in the 2nd hour the one without head gear suddenly wore the same ninja head tie, except he’s got some sort of lettering on the front, it probably said The Ninja Master! They played fiercely 2 hours, plus the 1 hour they played on Tuesday. Too bad I missed their hand shake at the end, as they have always done in their true sportsmanship manner. I hope this long friendly rivalry will go on for a while so I can have the pleasure of watching their matches.
It’s an added bonus when tennis party goers are also co-workers. One email came in for players from Clifton and Fair Lawn co-workers: “[So And So] is presently in my office and asked me to tell you that she wants to play on FRIDAY, not SATURDAY [as I incorrectly misread], from 8:00 to 10:00 pm.”
The party began with a few people chatting at the dinner table waiting for their turn at 9pm. They shared stories of how they met their husbands, wives or significant others. A player from Hoboken told of a story of how he and his wife met when his belt broke and his future wife was waiting for an exhibit by South Street Seaport to open up. They had a destination wedding on St. John’s. How romantic.
During the 3rd-hour break, a few youngsters in their early 20’s to mid 30’s were chatting. I pointed out how a regular from NYC in his early 60’s plays so well and smartly. He hits the longest ball, cross court, so that even if the opponent hits a hard shot cross court, he has time to run it down and make a good shot. The 23-year-old cheerful and spunky youngster from Westwood said “He learned everything from me.” She always lights up the parties and we all enjoy having her at the parties.
At the end of the night, 3 players sat around talking about strings and tension, how one likes gut and another likes poly and would restring after 10 hours of play time. It’s instant knowledge for me without having to read tennis magazines.
A regular from NYC brought his wife for the first time in 3 years! Many had the pleasure of finally meeting her. Everyone made her feel very welcome. A nice player and person, she’s a great addition to the group. She had a great time and will return. With a great babysitting arrangement, they are now able to play together. Although a more advanced player than she, he said he would like to pair up with her the whole time when they attend. (There are only 8 couples in this group of hundreds of players that are willing to do so.) They make a great couple (and the others too).
Newcomers from Astoria and NYC had a great time and said they will return.
Everyone enjoyed a special treat again this weekend (Saturday and Sunday). They raved about the chicken prepared by Dwight’s son, a chef at Hotel W. It was like a special dinner-tennis party. Many had 2nd’s, 3rd’s and maybe even 4th’s. It was no surprise that some didn’t want to get back on the court!
A regular from Teaneck attended this past Saturday and Sunday. She always plans ahead told me that she may not be able to attending the following weekend. She has tickets for the Fed cup in Massachusetts. I just learned that it’s a tournament for professional female players.
A regular (and a four-timer this week) from NYC reported. “Thanks for fitting me in last minute on Sunday! 3 great matches. And what a pleasure to play you and Dwight the last hour!” It’s a great compliment and relief, as I always feel bad that anyone has to put up with me on the court. [I had to fill in this Sunday.] As a fill-in, I don’t play on a regular basis during the busy winter season and one never knows what kind of player they will get with me that hour.
It was a very nice group and everyone had fun!