LAST WEEK’S RECAP | December 10 – 16, 2012

Towards the end of the night, players can drop out like flies. If light persuasion doesn’t work, I bring out my best feature – begging of players to stay for another hour if 1 is missing, so that 3 players can have a match. The 2 candidates for the night exchanged negotiations and some bantering. The Jersey City regular jokingly said to the player from Parsippany – “So you gotta go out there and do it or she’ll black list you. Plus, I missed yoga last week because I stayed an extra hour and was too tired the next morning. This week my wife is off and will be home. She’s going to make me go to yoga with her.” The Parsippany regular rebutted – “I’m tired and already blacklisted so you should go.” After a few more banters, the latter came through and took one for the team. Not only did he get his 2nd wind by the end of the night at 1 AM, he signed up the next day and played again until 1 AM! Youth is on his side. I’m wonder if the Jersey City player made it to yoga the next day.

It was great to finally meet the 3rd of the musketeers, ex-college friends who have kids around the same age and have tennis as one of their common bonds. He came off the court at 1 AM looking for a power drink after a great work out and meeting new tennis friends, playing a 2-hour match. I wonder if they played 5 or more sets. It was a joy seeing the friends have such a good time in their men’s night out.

A now-3-month regular from Wyckoff has been showing off her domestic skills, bringing homemade cookies and fancy chocolate-covered sweets this week and last. More than just sweets, she’s been great playing with different players of all levels. It’s so nice to have an accomplished player, who isn’t particular about whom she plays with. Clearly she’s here to make friends and have fun, making herself and others feel at home, or home away from home. I’m glad she found our group.

It was an unusually light Saturday night with some players already gone for their holiday vacations. A few more bode us farewell and Happy Holidays at the end of the night, as they’re going off for the holidays as well.

I’m very much looking forward to the last 2 weeks of the year and celebrating the holidays with friends and family, and looking forward to the New Year!

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